
One of my continued missions in life is to try and preserve and represent many of the concepts, ideas, and products from many of my mentors that I have had the pleasure and great fortune of learning from. I was first introduced to the Hyperboloid by Dr. Mariano Rocabado, to who I owe so much gratitude for educating, training, and eventually certifying me in the evaluation and treatment of Temporomandibular disorders and craniofacial pain. In 2006, I was able to connect with Dr. Afrânio Pereira Cheida by phone, and of course, we had a slight language barrier, so he connected me to his son, and from there Dr. Afrânio Pereira Cheida sent me his book signed and dated 5/25/06 just a few days before my 40th birthday and some DVDs on the use of the hyperboloid. I hope that I can honor him and his work and dedication to helping patients suffering issues around the stomatognathic system. I am very grateful for the gift he has imparted to me and my practice and the patients we serve.
The Hyperboloid (HB) is a precious instrument to increase muscle tone and a vehicle that triggers neural stimuli. The mouth is a rich thirst for sensors in the human body and specifically a keen source of entactogenic (to produce a touching within) information from the stomatognathic apparatus with influence at the systemic level.
In addition to its action on muscle tone, the hyperboloid acts on the periodontal complex, thus contributing to the craniofacial auxological process. This instrument presented by Dr. Afrânio Pereira Cheida, may he rest in peace, can greatly help homeostatic conquest. Dr. Cheida was a prominent and well-respected Dental Surgeon and Jaw Functional Orthopedist. In 1976, He met Mario Baldani, Denisar Figueiredo Lopes, and Silvio Betarello, and he was delighted with the principles of biocybernetics and in this study group, there was the study-discussion of the concept of hyperbolic occlusion. Mario and Dr. Cheida thought they would fabricate an auxiliary chewing device with the proper form, consistency, and adequate material. They started the research and tried to fabricate with their own hands an exerciser for the stomatognathic system in a hyperbolic form. Finally, in 1989, the Hyperboloid was officially launched at the 4th Brazilian Congress of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Oral Health in Caxambu – MG, In his memory and legacy I continue to promote the use of his Hyperboloid with my patients suffering from temporomandibular disorders, orofacial pain, salivary issues, neuromuscular difficulty with the muscles of mastication and as an excellent chewing device for bad breath.
Since then, study after study, scientific foundation, and the basic literature on the Hyperboloid (HB) were emerging.
It is with great honor and satisfaction that I present this unprecedented instrument of great therapeutic value in the morphofunctional rebalancing of our jaws and our orofacial musculature.
The HB is a chewing instrument used as an aid in orthopedic therapy. It consists of silicone with hyperbolic form (like an hourglass shape, and similar in shape to our TMJ disc), hence some of their scientific foundations. It is non-toxic, tasteless, and odorless. It is made of a concise shore value of, 35 shore A, which was designed to be similar to the normal consistency and firmness of the food we eat. Besides being used for the purpose described above, its use extends to the area salivation. Therefore, it aids in digestion and nutrition, as well as aids in preventing tooth decay, salivary lithiasis ( formation of stones within the ducts of the major salivary glands), and combating bad breath.
The HB is of great use in the orofacial functional orthopedics, and clinical orthodontics in general because it fills a gap as a chewing instrument, and, until now, had no elements to shape and hardness, scientifically designed to masticatory exercises, which reached levels of neural excitation with positive responses. In any chewing position, keeps the jaw – in relation jaw, producing considerable excitation of the major and minor salivary glands, mainly the parotid gland and Ebner, responsible for excretion of high levels of serous saliva, an indirect and parallel enters the field of prevention of tooth decay.
The HB is used at various stages of treatment, however, its use is essential in the final phase of the treatment of Orofacial Functional Orthopedics by promoting and greatly accelerating the Cusp-Fossa contact which is the typical pattern of occlusion between upper and lower teeth. This includes static relations, such as that during clenching, and dynamic relations when mandibular teeth contact in function along the maxillary occlusal pathways, as during mastication or chewing all to help promote vertical bone growth.
In short:
- It helps in cases of muscle weakness (hypotonia) and laxity of ligaments, which are major contributors to growth disorders.
- It is used to correct unilateral chewing patterns or unilateral vicious mastication, or habitual chewing side syndrome, and unilateral cross malocclusion.
- It is used for treating disorders of the temporomandibular joint or those suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders with specific exercises.
- It is used in aggressive perioral myotherapy or myofunctional therapy in cases of hypotonia of the orbicularis musculature around the lips.
- HB benefits the strengthening of the periodontal complex.
- It is also efficient means of self-cleaning by promoting our enriched saliva reaching the dental surfaces and oral mucosal lining. It works as a restorer and stabilizer of our saliva.
- It is used for patients who suffer from Xerostomia (abnormal dryness of the mouth) by helping increase salivary flow.
- The exercises performed with HB must be competent, bilateral, with latero-protrusive movements and appropriate contacts, and because of its hardness or shore value, leads to stimulation through the nerve endings, and their interaction-efferent circuit excites the anterior pituitary which produces a hormone (somatotropin – somatomedin), indispensable for craniofacial growth.
- The HB is an active instrument that assists in the elastic deformation of bones (topology), producing selective activation of genes, obtaining vertical bone growth responses.
- It is of great efficiency in the treatment of bruxism, in and of itself it is not a cure, but a means to help reduce the state of anxiety by calming and relaxing the patient. Thus, one’s sleep will be less tense and may reduce the need for tooth grinding and contact at night.
- HB helps to reduce hyperacidity in the stomach, in gastroesophageal reflux or digestive disorders, by improving acid-base balance and modifies the pH of saliva, contributing to better digestion.
- In speech therapy, the HB has been a good tool for work related to chewing and deglutitivo process – breathing.
- In physical therapy for improving dysfunction of the TMJ, facial paralysis, and poor neuromuscular control of the muscles of mastication.
- Lective activation of genes, obtaining vertical bone growth responses.
- It is of great efficiency in the treatment of bruxism, in and of itself it is not a cure, but a means to help reduce the state of anxiety by calming and relaxing the patient. Thus, one’s sleep will be less tense and may reduce the need for tooth grinding and contact at night.
- HB helps to reduce hyperacidity in the stomach, in gastroesophageal reflux or digestive disorders, by improving acid-base balance and modifies the pH of saliva, contributing to better digestion.
- In speech therapy, the HB has been a good tool for work related to chewing and deglutitivo process – breathing.
- In physical therapy for improving dysfunction of the TMJ, facial paralysis, and poor neuromuscular control of the muscles of mastication.