TMD Course, Conference & Event Recaps
Concordia University Residency 2021
Date: June 21,2021
Location: Fox Point, WI

Peer2peer Networks of the private practice section
Date: June 9-11,2021
Location: Alexandria, VA

“June 9th through the 11th, 2021 I attended my first PEER2PEER NetWorks of the Private Practice Section of the American Physical Therapy Association in Old Town Alexandria, VA.
PPS Peer2Peer NetWorks bring like-minded Private Practice owners from different markets together in small groups to share best practices and expertise, discuss “hot topics,” establish key metric benchmarks, analyze operations, build life-long friendships, and work toward helping each other improve the bottom line. Participants challenge each other to question assumptions, assess strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and above all-accomplish those goals.
I am super pumped about the excellent and talented private practice owners whose group I am a part of. We hit it off very well and feels liberating to be in a trusting environment that allows us as owners to share our highs and our lows. I look forward to our monthly meetings that will occur throughout the year. I look forward to us keeping each other accountable and elevating our practices and our coworkers to be the best private practice physical therapy company we can be. As my good friend, Joe Sweeney would say, you gotta have good wingmen, wing women, or wing persons, or is it wing people?? I feel very fortunate with the people I am surrounded by.
“I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater. -Steve Maraboli
Pictured Randy Roesch, PT, DPT, MBA receiving a gift and award from Mike Horsfield PT, MPT, MBA, OCS for her tireless commitment and dedication to our physical therapy profession and the private practice section and our Peer2Peer Networks.
Motor Nerve Reflex testing with Dr. Steven Olmos
Date: June 13-14,2021
Location: Chicago, IL
On June 13 and 14, 2021, I had the pleasure of taking another component of Dr. Steven Olmos’s course entitled Motor Nerve Reflex Testing for Chronic Pain. Dr. Olmos credits Dr. John Beck (Orthopedic Surgeon) for introducing Motor Nerve Reflex Testing to the Medical and Dental Communities. Motor Nerve Reflex Testing enables us to test the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS compromises 70% of our total peripheral nervous system and acts as a control system maintaining homeostasis in the body. Dr. Beck has devised a system to exam postural (balance) and peripheral neural assessment. It provides us with an invaluable tool for quickly and cheaply screening for TMD, monitoring the efficacy of orthotic and physical medicine treatments, and for making the proper and timely referrals for structural therapy. I have included some pics during Dr. Daniel Klauer performing one of the tests on Dr. Ryan Robinson, Dr. Aaron Light testing Dr. Klauer, and Dr. Klauer testing Anthony Kopp DC. It was also great to have Dr. Marc Cantieri, an osteopath contribute his experience with MRNT, along with an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Rocky Romano, providing his insight and use of MRNT within his sports orthopedic practice. I am very excited to put this assessment and testing into practice at Freedom Physical Therapy Services.

Mini Residency-Sleep-related breathing disorders & Craniofacial pain (session 2 of 3) – For adults & children – a system for diagnosing and treating
Date: May 13-14, 2021
Location: Chicago, IL
The weekend of May 14th, 2021, kicked off part 2 of the mini TMD, Sleep and Airway residency I am completing with Dr. Steven Olmos. Part 2 is entitled, “ For Adults and Children, A System for Diagnosis and Treatment. I can’t say enough about my enjoyment of going through this program so far. It has been fantastic to see the collaboration between different disciplines within healthcare and dentistry to better evaluate, treat and manage patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders, Airway and Sleep issues, and honestly the other host of medical problems that can co-exist. One Slide Dr. Olmos presented I just really appreciated, the pic is included here, but below is the verbiage:
Clinicians have an ethical responsibility to assess the values and preferences of their patients. As Rickert wrote, there is a need to move from, “WHAT’S THE MATTER” with our patients to “WHAT MATTERS” to our patients. Sandro Palla Associate Editor Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache 2017.
It is just a great reminder to make sure we are always including our patients in their healing process, and finding out what they like and don’t like, vs. just having our own agenda because we might profess to be the expert, etc.
Anyway, so much great stuff to learn. I will leave with one more shocking bit of evidence on the profound effect of Sleep-disordered breathing or Sleep Apnea. If you think you suffer from this or are not sure, seek out a sleep medicine specialist, your Physical Therapist who might have training and knowledge to help you assess your situation or a skilled Dentist with Sleep Medicine experience.
Based on information from the 2021 AADSM Annual Meeting regarding patients who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea or Sleep Disordered Breathing:
- 70% of heart attack patients have OSA
- 43% of patients with mild OSA have hypertension
- 86% of obese type 2 diabetic patients have OSA
- 48% of type 2 diabetics have sleep apnea
- 4x more at risk of stroke
- 1 out of 5 adults have mild OSA
- 1 out of 15 have moderate to severe OSA
- 75% of severe cases remain undiagnosed
- 40 to 50% with A-Fib have OSA50 to 75% of patients with sleep apnea have GERD (reflux)

Date: May 1-2, 2021
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point, WI
This evidence-based course helped train and further advance the knowledge of the Freedom Dream Team of Physical Therapists and other clinicians in the practical management of vestibular disorders. The course included instruction in anatomy and physiology, medical management, pathology, detailed bedside examination, and treatment skills. The material presented was a combined format of lecture, lab, and video case study format. Competence in the performance of a comprehensive office/bedside examination and treatment skills were addressed with an emphasis placed on the management of BPPV variants and vestibular hypofunction.
We had the great fortune in being instructed by Jeff Walter, PT, DPT, NCS. Undoubtedly one of the best and most experienced Vestibular Physical Therapists in the USA! Dr. Walter is the Director of the Otolaryngology Vestibular and Balance Center at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA. Associate faculty member at Misericordia University, Department of Physical Therapy. Graduate of the University of Wisconsin (WOOHOO!) and has attained competency certification in “Vestibular Rehabilitation” and “Vestibular Function Test Interpretation”. Since 1999, Jeff has lectured at numerous professional conferences, universities, and continuing education courses for audiologists, physicians, and therapists involved in managing vestibular disorders. Jeff contributes to a teaching website designed to provide information to assist clinicians in the management of dizziness and imbalance. Clinical research interests have included superior canal dehiscence and BPPV.
Thanks Dr. Walter for a FANTASTIC educational experience!

Mini Residency-Sleep-related breathing disorders & Craniofacial pain (session 1 of 3) – For adults & children – a system for diagnosing and treating
Date: April 23-24, 2021
Location: Chicago, IL
The weekend of April 23rd I had the pleasure of attending Part 1 of a Mini-Residency Program presented by Dr. Steven Olmos. In Part 1 we covered numerous topics related to sleep-disordered breathing, craniofacial pain, Interpretation, and Understanding of Cone Beam Scans that many of us in the field of TMD and Orofacial pain order for Imaging of the airway, sinuses, nasal area, the temporomandibular joints, and cervical spine to name a few. It is always great to have a review of anatomy and TMJ Neuroanatomy. I found part one to be very enlightening and informative and I am already looking forward to Part 2 in May.
Dr. Steven Olmos has been in private practice for over 35 years with the last 30 years devoted to research and treatment of Craniofacial Pain, TMD, and Sleep Disordered Breathing. Dr. Olmos is board certified in both craniofacial pain and dental sleep medicine. He is the founder of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres International with over 60 Centres spanning 7 countries dedicated exclusively to the treatment of these disorders. Dr. Olmos has been honored for his contributions to dentistry with a Fellowship in the Academy of Dentistry International and the 2008 AACP Haden-Stack Award for his contributions to education in the field of TMD and Craniofacial Pain. My vision is now to set the standard of care for dental exams to include chronic pain, TMD, and OSA That the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre name is identified as the leader for bridging the gap from Medicine to Dentistry.

Weekend TMD and Orofacial Pain Provider Retreat with Dr. Daniel Klauer
Date: March 20, 2021
Location: South Bend, IN
I had the pleasure of being invited by Dr. Greg Larson DDS, (a wonderful friend and colleague, who is the only triple board certified TMD and Dental Sleep Medicine Specialist in the bay area), to a weekend-long Provider Retreat, in South Bend, Indiana, Saturday, March 20, 2021. I like to call it the Dr. Daniel Klauer Retreat, the focus was on all things Dental Sleep Medicine, Orthopedic Development, Temporomandibular Disorders, and Craniofacial Pain, with the opportunity to focus on relationship building with providers in a variety of other specialties. We experienced interdisciplinary Mastermind Sessions with experts across the country, and the collaboration was amazing! Dr. Daniel Klauer DDS, is Board Certified with the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, American Board of Craniofacial Pain and the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine. He is Diplomate Eligible with the American Board of Orofacial Pain and he is the only doctor in a 100-mile radius that carries these 3 board credentials. I had the pleasure of presenting an overview of Physical Therapy can contribute in the assessment and treatment of patients suffering from Sleep Disordered Breathing and compromised airway, Temporomandibular disorders, parafunction, tongue-tie and how the cervical spine can contribute to Orofacial Pain. Dr. Klauer, his wife and Staff were the most amazing and generous hosts!

The TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre South Bend, Indiana
Top Row, furthest to your right.
Owner Freedom Physical Therapy Services, S.C.

Ear Nose and Throat, Otorhinolaryngology
Clinical Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Indiana University School of Dentistry

Indiana Sinus Surgery
Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics

Clinical Associate Professor in Neurology
Clinical Associate Professor in Anesthesiology
Director, Michigan Medicine Headache & Neuropathic Pain
Date: March 6-7, 2021
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point, WI
March 6-7, 2021 I kicked off the year hosting my 2-day TMD and Craniofacial Pain at Freedom Physical Therapy Services, in Fox Point, WI, as we all still contend with Covid-19. We followed standard practices of taking everyone’s temperature and answering a health questionnaire before the start of each class, masks were worn, of course, face shields available as well. It was a wonderful success and a great group of clinicians! Below you will see a group pic and one in particular where Greg Dixon DPT, OCS (Clinic Director at Peak Sports and Spine Physical Therapy in Washington), is listening to both sides of Trenton Rehman DPT, OCS, CMTPT (clinician at Freedom Physical Therapy Services in Wisconsin) Temporomandibular joint with a dual Stethoscope I had custom made. I appreciate the folks attending and the wonderful support during this continued, challenging time of our lives..


Date: October 17-18, 2020
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point, WI
So October 17/18, 2020 marked the second course I hosted at my clinic, Freedom Physical Therapy Services, in Fox Point, WI, post-Covid 19. We followed some standard practices of taking everyone’s temperature and answering a health questionnaire prior to the start of each class, masks were worn of course, face shields available as well. It was a wonderful success and a great group of clinicians! We were very fortunate and excited to have a Dentist attend, Dr. Glodek. It always adds a wonderful dimension to have dentists attend to garner their perspective and input in the evaluation and treatment of Temporomandibular disorders! Below you will see a group pic and then 2 images of what I call cranial loading or dynamic loading of the mandible from the closed to open position as demonstrated by Dr. Parul Haribhai Doctor of Physical Therapy. I really appreciate folks attending and the wonderful support during this very challenging time of our lives.

Date: August 15-16, 2020
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point, WI
Well August 15/16, 2020 marked the first course I hosted at my clinic, Freedom Physical Therapy Services, in Fox Point, WI, post-Covid 19. We followed some standard practices of taking everyone’s temperature and answering a health questionnaire prior to the start of each class, masks are worn, of course, face shields available as well. IT was a wonderful success and an incredibly fun and dynamic group! As always, I learn some great new things from the participants. For example, Craig showed me a great acupuncture point along the medial calf to help with TMD pain and limited opening, and Ellen puts googly eyes on her patient’s anterior shoulders and tells them, “you wouldn’t want crossed eyes right?” so shoulders back and keep those googly eyes facing straight ahead! Great advice for us all.

Date: November 22-23, 2019
Location: UPMC Centers for Rehab Services, Pittsburgh, PA
I had the pleasure of teaching my TMD and Orofacial Pain course the weekend of November 22 and 23 at the UPMC Centers for Rehab Services in Pittsburgh, PA. What a great facility they have and a big shout out and Thank You to Todd Henkelmann (who helped make this course possible), who is a fantastic colleague, friend, and PT with vast experience in the treatment of patients suffering facial nerve injuries, paralysis or Bell’s Palsy. And Thank you to Hallie Zeleznik, another fantastic and skilled PT, for doing all the heavy lifting, organizing, hosting, and making sure everything was perfect! It was a wonderful time!

CRAFTA-3 Course
Date: October 31- November 3, 2019
Location: Wind City Physical Therapy, Casper, WY
I had the pleasure of attending a four day intensive CRAFTA-3 (sponsored by Myopain and Eureka Seminars) in Casper, WY 10/31 through 11/3/2019 hosted by Cathy Blair at her private practice, Wind City Physical Therapy. CRAFTA-3 is a Special Topic Course, also referred to as the “Ocular, Vestibular and Craniocervical Pain and Dysfunction course; Assessment and Management in Children and Adults, with a significant emphasis on treating headaches and migraines in children and adults. We learned the mechanisms of craniocervical and vestibular-ocular (dys) function of postural control. Manual assessment of the cervical and oculomotor system was demonstrated and practiced. Various primary and secondary headaches and the role of the neuromusculoskeletal assessment and therapy were explained based on current external and clinical evidence.
Various pediatric headaches and associated issues were reviewed with in-depth attention to the impact of orthodontics, balance and equilibrium, motor dysfunction and neuromusculoskeletal dysfunctions of the eyes, spine, peripheral nervous system, and craniofacial-mandibular region. We all learned advanced clinical tests and treatment strategies.
The instructor, Daniela von Piekartz-Doppelhofer PT, MS, Since 2006 works in the Netherlands, her main focus is on patients with head-, neck- and face pain and eye dysfunctions. Her and her husband, Prof. Dr. Harry Von Piekartz, PdD, MSc, PT, MT, have been instrumental through Myopain and Eureka Seminars’ support, bringing the CRAFTA (Craniofacial Therapy Academy) to the USA!

Aurora One Day Temporomandibular Course
Date: September 28-29, 2019
Location: Myopain Seminars Training Center, Bethesda, MD
I had the pleasure of teaching my two day TMD course through Eureka/Myopain Seminars the last weekend in September 2019. It was a wonderful collaboration and lots of excellent questions and discussions. There were some helpful discussions around treating patients who have suffered from some form of oral cancer, treated with chemo and radiation, and the unfortunate effects that have on a patient’s ability to chew, talk, etc. I welcome any insight from other physical therapists or health care professionals that are treating this patient population, so we may help provide a positive outcome for these patients and share useful information and treatment techniques. It was great to have another massage therapist attend the course as well, since I think we all agree that treating Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain requires the collaboration of many disciplines, and to only name a few here, but physical therapists, dentists, orthodontists, ENTs, massage therapists, cognitive-behavioral therapists and many others in the health care and beyond medical disciplines to help our patients achieve a successful outcome to enjoy more Freedom! Freedom from pain, Freedom to Function, Freedom to live! Thanks to all who attended and Eureka/Myopain Seminars!

Aurora One Day Temporomandibular Course
Date: September 20, 2019
Location: Aurora Medical Center, Summit, WI
On September 20th, 2019, I had the pleasure of collaborating with Rose Nelson, Diane Lorenz, and Maira Marik from Advocate Aurora Health Physical Therapy Department. Thanks for their invite and the assistance of Jeff Verhagen from Freedom’s Brookfield Clinic and Mike Verplancke from our Grafton office, the 3 of us were able to provide our first Advanced Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain Course. This course provided additional content and advanced and enhanced manual techniques as a part 2 to my basic to intermediate 2-day course I have been offering for about six years now. We were able to cover additional topics such as the Physical Therapists role in assessing the airway and sleep-disordered breathing, expansion of the Diagnostic Criteria for TMD related issues, presentation of a case study, cranial nerve assessment and recap of the role of PT with dentists in utilizing TMD orthopedic appliances. Thanks to Bryant and Stratton College for the use of their wonderful classroom and lab. I was very impressed with their staff and operation and the education they are providing for those who wish to pursue a career as a Physical Therapy Assistant! Thanks to all who attended!

TMJ Cadaver Dissection Course
Date: July 19-21, 2019
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point, WI
I am so excited to share a once in a lifetime opportunity. I was able to implement and host this course at Freedom Physical Therapy Services, at our Fox Point Location the weekend of July 19, 20 and 21, 2019. We had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Terry Tanaka, DDS, from San Diego, CA, and presenting the first-ever Head, Neck and Jaw Cadaver Dissection course for Physical Therapists, Dentists, and Massage Therapists. Most of us in the Temporomandibular Disorder and Orofacial Pain world know Dr. Tanaka as a legend. His work in this area and contribution through Cadaver Dissection is outstanding. It was truly a magical 3 days, with the different disciplines sharing our knowledge, skills, and passion for assisting patients with head, neck, facial, and jaw pain. We are so very grateful to those who donated their bodies to science, so we might better understand how to treat this specific patient population. All of us in attendance are also very grateful and appreciative of Dr. Tanaka and his commitment to fostering a fantastic learning experience. I have to say I have never met a more happy, humble, and gentle soul than Dr. Tanaka. IT was a true honor to learn from and with him and the incredible participants in attendance!
Date: June 22-23, 2019
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point, WI
On June 23/23, 2019, I had the opportunity to host my two day TMD course at our Fox Point, WI Clinic with an exceptional group of physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, and massage therapists. As always, it is a wonderful opportunity to learn and collaborate. It is great to learn about how healthcare is all the various states across the US as well as from those who visit from abroad and to learn and share from the other disciplines that attend my class. Here are some highlighted photos from that course! Thanks to all who attended!

14th Annual TMD and Orofacial Pain Mini-Residency Program
Date: June 3-7, 2019
Location: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
I had the pleasure of attending the 14th annual Temporomandibular and Orofacial Pain Mini-Residency at the University of Kentucky, College of Dentistry under the direction of Dr. Jeff Okeson. This past week from June 3 through June 7, 2019, we covered topics encompassing the field of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and Orofacial pain. There were approximately 70 of us, mostly all dentists, and just 3 of us as Physical Therapists. IT was a wonderful opportunity to help validate my knowledge in the examination and Treatment of TMD, but to, more importantly, learn it from the dental perspective, and how as Physical Therapists we can collaborate with our Dentists in our respective communities that might have an interest in Orofacial Pain. No question, like any other continuing education opportunity I learned a great deal more as well as had the pleasure of meeting fellow TMD specialist from all around the world. It was truly a great experience. I will highlight some of the topics covered in the pictures below.

Dr. Jeff Okeson is Professor, Chair of the Department of Oral Health Science and Director of the University of Kentucky’s Orofacial Pain Center, which he established in 1977. Dr. Okeson has over 220 publications and written many books regarding the field of TMD and Orofacial Pain. Dr. Okeson is a true Legend in the field of TMD and Orofacial Pain.

Dr. Charles Carlson lectured on the psychological considerations in the management of orofacial pains and taught us Physical Self Regulation for the management of orofacial pains and TMD. Dr. Carlson has his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. He is currently a professor in the Department of Psychology and Oral Health Science.

Dr. Pasha presented on Sleep Disordered Breathing in Adults. Dr. Pasha is currently an assistant professor in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

Dr. Isabel Moreno Hay, DDS, Ph.D. presented on Managing Snoring and Sleep Disorders in Dental Practice and History and Examination of the TMD/Orofacial Patient. Dr. Hay is currently an Associate Professor in the Division of Orofacial Pain at the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry.

Dr. Cristina Perez DDS, MS, lectured on Bruxism. Dr. Perez is one of a few dually trained and board certified in both Pediatric Dentistry and Orofacial Pain. Her role at the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry is as Chief of the Division of Pediatric Dentistry.

Dr. Craig Miller, DMD, MS presented on Oral Medicine Considerations of Orofacial Pain. Dr. Miller is Professor and Chief of the Division of Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine and Oral Radiology, College of Dentistry, Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, College of Medicine and a University Research Professor.

Omami, BDS, MSc, MDentSc, FRCH(C) presented on Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joint. Dr. Omami is currently an Assistant Professor in the Division of Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine, and Oral Radiology University of Kentucky College of Dentistry.

Dr. Reny De Leeuw, DDS, Ph.D., MPH presented on Pharmacotherapy for the Orofacial Pain Patient. Dr. Leeuw is currently Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor in the Division of Orofacial Pain.

Windsor PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, CERP presented on Considerations of Cervical Pain Input in Orofacial Pain and TMD Patients and Management of Orofacial Pain with Physical Therapy. Nicole is currently a Doctoral Student at the University of Kentucky in the Ph.D. Rehabilitation Sciences Program.

Me with Dr. Carlson working on Physical Self-Regulation for the management of Temporomandibular Disorders😊

Me Accepting my certificate with Dr. Okeson at The Club at UK’s Spindletop Hall after a wonderful meal prepared for all who attended!

Dr. Okeson educating us about Keeneland Race Track that we toured.

The Awesome Jockeys I met at the Keeneland Race Track!

Enjoying the night out with colleagues that attended the Okeson Residency, from Left to Right:
Me (Mike Karegeannes PT), Gabriel Overholtzer DDs from California, Bill Esser PT awesome friend and colleague from Oregon, Chris (from Ohio), and Uros Mezeg, DDs, Ph.D. from Slovenia. We had an amazing meal at Middle Fork Kitchen Bar in Lexington, KY. Seriously, some of the best Lamb chops I have ever had!
42nd Annual Scientific Meeting with the American Academy of Orofacial Pain: Evidence-Based Treatment for Orofacial Pain: Consensus or Controversy
Date: May 2-4, 2019
Location: San Diego, CA
I am very excited to be attending the 2019 American Academy of Orofacial Pain 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting in San Diego. Yesterday, I was very excited to start our preconference by introducing one of our guest presenters, Dr. James Elliott PT, Ph.D., FAPTA, who completed his Ph.D. at the University of Queensland, Australia. The topic of discussion was Assessment/Prediction/Management of the Patient with Head/Neck Disorders Post Whiplash. I had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Elliott present in 2016 in Madison, Wi. As a result, Pat Rudd, Eveline Erni and I are on the Board of the PTBCCT, Physical Therapy Board of Craniofacial and Cervical Therapeutics. One of our responsibilities is providing the educational content and speakers for the Preconference and Plenary Sections representing our PT profession. It is always a great conference to collaborate with fellow Temporomandibular Physical Therapists and Dentists with TMD Specialty.

Dr. Jennifer Flage Hobson, PT, DPT, MTC, CFC, CMTPT, OMT was introduced by Eveline Erni PT, MA, CMA, CCTT, CODN , of Pivotal Physical Therapy- NYC, NY during a lunch and learn session of the 2019 American Academy of Orofacial Pain 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting in San Diego. Dr. Hobson is the owner of Physical Therapy Renaissance in Chicago, IL. The topic of discussion was Myofunctional Therapy – Indicators and Relevance to Orofacial Pain. DR. Hobson covered everything from Tongue Tie assessment and treatment to the myofunctional approach to treating airway issues in children, adolescents, and even adults!

Dr. Marie Hoeger Bement, PT, Ph.D. also presented during the plenary session of the 2019 American Academy of Orofacial Pain 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting in San Diego. Dr. Bement, who completed her Ph.D. at the University of Iowa and is currently Associate Professor at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wi. The topic of discussion was Mechanisms of exercise – Induced Hypoalgesia. We are so fortunate to have her doing research and educating in my hometown area of Milwaukee, WI.

Date: March 16-17, 2019
Location: Myopain Seminars Training Center, 4405 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814
Another Great weekend (3/16-3/17) In Bethesda, MD. I had the pleasure of presenting my 2 day TMD class through Myopain & Eureka Seminars. In addition to educating on the evaluation and treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and TMJ Pain, we covered topics such as how TMD Physical Therapists can be part of Sleep disordered breathing issues and sleep medicine and assessing airway, along with topics such as tongue tied and appropriate use of splint therapy. It was a very engaging group of PTs and a dentist. Thanks to all who attended!
I look forward to being back in Bethesda the weekend of 9/28-29, 2019. Click on the link to register for this course through Myopain/Eureka Seminars website. – Michael Karegeannes

Date: January 19-20, 2019
Location: Clearview Physical Therapy, 101-4306 Richmond Rd SW Calgary, AB, Canada T3E 4P6
This past weekend(1/19-20, 2019) was a great experience in Calgary. The hosts of my TMD course, Jerry and Margaret Niziolek, owners of Clearview Physical Therapy we’re incredibly gracious during my entire stay! What fantastic human beings. A big thank you to Thomas Bazydlo, dear friend, colleague and fellow CCTT was kind enough to be the catalyst for this past weekend. I also had the pleasure of meeting Thomas’ brother Marcus and one of their good friends and fellow physiotherapist classmates, Anna who also attended my course. And finally, all the wonderful physiotherapists from the surrounding areas who attended my class and I had the pleasure of teaching and learning from them!! Jerry, Margaret, Thomas and all who attended….natstovia!!! – Michael Karegeannes

Date: December 13-14, 2018
Location: Oconomowoc, WI 53066
It was an awesome teaching experience at Concordia University in Mequon, WI. Their wonderful room/lab space provided the perfect learning environment along with all its high tech features. It was a great group of Physical Therapist, Occupational therapists, and PT assistants locally as well as from around the US, Canada, and Barbados! Thank you Concordia University for allowing me the opportunity to share my passion for temporomandibular disorders and thanks to a great class of participants that provided stimulating dialogue, questions and collaboration! – Michael Karegeannes

A huge shout out and thank you to Rob Worth and his awesome team of therapists at Advanced Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine in Appleton, WI for hosting my TMD course on October 13th and 14th, 2018. Advanced PT and Sports medicine is a private practice PT company founded and lead by Rob Worth, they have 20 locations and going strong! It is so awesome to see private practice at its best and to have met so many competent and caring therapists. It was a privilege to share my knowledge regarding the treatment of patients with TMJ pain, cervical pain, and headaches. – Michael Karegeannes

42nd Annual Scientific Meeting with the American Academy of Orofacial Pain: Evidence-Based Treatment for Orofacial Pain: Consensus or Controversy
Date: April 26-28, 2018
Location: Hilter Palmer House, 17 E. Monroe St., Chicago, IL, 60603
Very excited, the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting with the American Academy of Orofacial Pain kicked off April 26 in Chicago. This year’s meeting theme is Evidence-Based Treatment for Orofacial Pain: Consensus or Controversy.
Thursday we kicked off the day with Dr. Cesar Fernandez De Las Penas from Madrid, Spain. Clinical Reasoning for manual therapy in Temporomandibular Pain Disorders, An Evidence-based Approach. – Michael Karegeannes

Date: November 11-12, 2017
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, 6908 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Fox Point, WI 53217
A sincere thanks to my good friend Ashraf Abdelhamid and his business partner, Robert Johnson for hosting my Chicago TMD course 9/22-9/23. Their wonderful clinic, Achieve Orthopedic Rehab Institute was right off Michigan Avenue! We had a wonderful group of physical therapists and chiropractors take part in the course. Part of the beauty of the group was that we had a few pelvic floor therapists in attendance. Many practitioners who treat patients with chronic pain know whether it be pelvic floor pain or TMD pain and headaches, many of our complex patients have chronic overlapping pain syndromes. As a result it is important to treat the whole person and their whole body for a far better outcome! Love Chicago, great fun! Thanks to all who attended and made the class exciting and collaborative. – Michael Karegeannes

41st American Academy of Orofacial Pain Scientific Meeting: Therapeutic Exercises for Patients with Headaches and Chronic Cervical Pain
Date: May 4-7, 2017
Location: Talking Stick Resort, 9800 E. Indian Bend Road, Scottsdale, AZ, 85256
The 41st Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) was held in Scottsdale, Arizona May 4-7, 2017. Michael Karegeannes, Owner of Freedom Physical Therapy Services, spoke at the largest preconference turnout in AAOP history. The emphasis of this 4 day conference was on The Evolving World of Orofacial Pain. This annual conference is a collaboration of dentists and allied health professionals dedicated to alleviating pain and suffering through the promotion of excellence in education, research and patient care in the field of orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, headaches, migraines, cervical pain and associated disorders.
Michael Karegeannes, PT, MHSc, LAT, MTC, CFC, CCTT, CMTPT presented Therapeutic Exercises for Patients with Headache and Chronic Cervical Pain.

Mike had the pleasure of listening to Paul Durham MS, PhD speak about Cervical Muscle Pathology and Rehabilitation for Patients with Orofacial Pain.

Mike is Vice President of the Physical Therapy Board of Craniofacial and Cervical Therapeutics. Featured here is President (and legend) Jeff Mannheimer PT, PhD, CCTT, CODN and Barbara Semmel PT, CCTT.

Nancy Byl, PT, MPH, PhD, FAPTA presented on Strategies for Movement Re-Education and Brain Training for Cervical Dystonia.

Michael introducing Todd Henkelmann PT, MS, CCTT who spoke on Bell’s Palsy and Other Facial Paralysis Conditions.

WPTA Spring Conference: The Evaluation, Treatment and Management of Temporomandibular Disorders, Craniofacial Pain and Orofacial Pain
Date: April 20, 2017
Location: Green Bay Radisson Hotel, 2040 Airport Dr, Green Bay, WI 5431303
Mike Karegeannes, Jeff Verhagen, and Michael Verplancke had the opportunity to present at the recent Spring 2017 Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association Conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin on April 20, 2017. They presented a one day introductory lecture and lab on the Evaluation and Treatment of Orofacial Pain, Craniofacial Pain, and Temporomandibular Disorders. Jeff and Mike Verplanke did an wonderful job teaching in the lab and received great feedback and reviews.

I recently had the pleasure of teaching my TMJ course in beautiful San Diego at Innovative Physical Therapy. It was great to see the course foster collaboration of participants including PTs, PTAs, Dentists and Massage Therapists. I can’t thank my fantastic hosts Lindy, Marilyn and Annika enough. And a special thank you to my good friend Bill Esser, who came from Oregon to assist me. Please check out his TMD course as well. As much as I love teaching and sharing, it always amazes how much I learn in return! – Michael Karegeannes

Mike Karegeannes PT, MHSc, LAT, MTC, CFC, CCTT, CMTPT, a nationally recognized expert in the treatment of TMD, had the pleasure of being invited back to speak in Bethesda, MD. It was another wonderful opportunity to teach Physical Therapists from the United States and Canada, as well as a Chiropractor, about Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders, Headaches and Cervical Pain. Eureka Seminars and Myopain Seminars hosted the course at their newly renovated teaching facility. Mike thoroughly enjoyed the group, venue, and the opportunity to share his knowledge and passion for patients who suffer from craniocervical pain conditions.


Freedom duo, Michael Karegeannes, PT, MHSc, LAT, MTC, CFC, CCTT, CMTPT and Michael Verplancke, DPT, CSCS, CMTPT teamed up with Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science of North Chicago, IL to provide a 2 day course. They educated physical therapists and dentists on the evaluation and treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders, Craniofacial and Orofacial Pain. Mike V. enjoyed visiting his Alma Mater, and both were impressed with their and teaching facility. The participants were amazing! Thank you Rosalind Franklin University!

Clinical Reasoning for Manual Therapy in Headaches: An Evidence-Based Approach
Date: August 6-7, 2016
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point WI 53217
Freedom was honored to host world renowned researcher and clinician César Fernández-de-las-Peñas PT, DO, MSc, PhD of Madrid, Spain who shared his knowledge on the evaluation and treatment of headaches and migraines. Dr. Fernández-de-las-Peñas has performed extensive research and published over 300 research articles and several books including topics in pain, headaches, migraines and dry needling. Freedom therapists continue their commitment to providing best care for our patients who suffer from temporomandibluar disorders, headaches, migraines, chronic pain, and related conditions.

Freedom’s Mike Karegeannes had the pleasure of collaborating with Myopain Seminars in Bethesda, MD to educate physical therapists, massage therapists and dentists in the Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders, Craniofacial Pain, and Orofacial Pain.

Date: January 23-24, 2016
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, 6908 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Fox Point, WI 53217
The C-Spine, A Missing Piece in Solving the TMJ Puzzle
Date: September 26, 2015
Location: Hotel Cheribourd – Orford
I had the pleasure of teaching a 2 day TMJ course to 28 Physical Therapist’s in Montreal, Quebec. Then attended a symposium in Oxford, Canada hosted by Kinatex Sports Physio and provided a lecture on “The Cervical Spine, a missing piece in solving the TMJ Puzzle” that was attended by over 250 PTs and admins. Montreal was an amazing experience, and the PTs I had the pleasure of meeting were all wonderful. All in all a very positive experience! – Michael Karegeannes

Freedom Physical Therapy Services had the pleasure of hosting a Temporomandibular Course for Physical Therapists and Dentists the weekend of September 12th. Michael Karegeannes, owner of Freedom, taught the course with lab assistance from Mike Verplancke who works at Freedom in Grafton. The 2 day course provided a basic and intermediate understanding of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and Craniofacial Pain (CFP). Participants were taught how to evaluate, treat and manage patients suffering from jaw, facial and neck pain, as well as headaches. The course was very well attended with providers from as far away as Greece and Alaska. It was a great blend of providers, showing the benefit of collaboration as they gained knowledge to assist patients seeking pain relief.