A short screening tool for TMD/TMJ
TMD specialist Mike Karegeannes explains how to use this simple screening tool to help care providers distinguish TMD from other conditions of jaw, head, and neck.
TMD specialist Mike Karegeannes explains how to use this simple screening tool to help care providers distinguish TMD from other conditions of jaw, head, and neck.
Discover the difference between acute vs chronic pain and find health practitioners who understand the physical and emotional nature of pain. There is HELP, There is HOPE!
Headaches are common among the general population and positively associated with several musculoskeletal disorders including temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The objective of this study was to explore the presence of possible confounders of the association between TMD and headaches.
Recently I had the pleasure of Lecturing at the 2017 American Academy of Orofacial Pain 41st scientific meeting in Scottsdale Arizona. My topic was on Therapeutic Exercises for Patients with Headaches and Chronic Cervical Pain.