TMJ Course Level II

Advanced TMJ Courses for Physical Therapists & Health Professionals

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain Level II

Instructor: Michael Karegeannes, PT, MHSc, LAT, MTC, CFC, CCTT, CMTPT

Course Description

To attend this course, past participants must have completed the first course with Michael Karegeannes entitled: The Evaluation, Treatment and Management of Temporomandibular Disorders, Craniofacial Pain and Orofacial Pain. This advanced course and second installment will build on the Evaluation and Treatment methods for TMD as taught in the first course. There will be a quick review and assessment of the basic joint mobilizations and extra and intraoral muscle palpation to make sure this is going well, and that no subtle modifications are needed. We will once again review the pain map but go deeper into its value and understanding as a preventative tool for TMD, as well as providing objective data that over time can show the resolution of the TMD condition. The majority of the first course as you know covered the soft tissue structures above the Hyoid bone, in the advanced course we will go through to better understand, palpate, and treat all the infrahyoid musculature. Advanced TMJ mobilization techniques, functional kinetics, and mobilization with movements will be provided to manage more difficult cases. We will go further in-depth into assessing sleep and airways for patients suffering from sleep-disordered breathing. We will cover palpation of the lymphatic chain around the temporomandibular joint and cervical spine, as well as cover several sinus mobilization techniques. We will go through the treatment of challenging Trismus cases, and cover 2 case studies to make sure we are tracking in the right direction. We will review more in-depth coverage of tongue tie measurements along with using the throat scope for airway assessment. We will cover some additional exercises and a review of using the hyperboloid and keeping patients compliant with HEP. 


What You will Learn

By the end of the course, the participant will be able to better understand:

  1. Review Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD
  2. Review Muscle Palpation from Course 1
  3. Anatomy and Actions of Supra and Infrahyoid Muscles
  4. Palpation and Treatment Approach of The Supra and Infrahyoid 
  5. Osteopathic Techniques to Treat Ear-Related Symptoms
  6. Revisit Arthralgia and DJD per RDC/DC-TMD
  7. Rocabado Pain Map for Synovial Mapping
  8. Revisit Various Disc Displacement issues based on the RDC/Pseudo Disc Concept
  9. Review TMJ Mobs taught in the Basic Course
  10. Introduce Advanced TMJ Mobilizations 
  11. Seated TMJ Mobilization Techniques
  12. Concept of Functional Kinetics with TMJ Techniques
  13. Mobilization with Movement techniques for the TMJ
  14. Treatment of Difficult Trismus Cases
  15. HEP for Patients, Hyperboloid, Improved Compliance Plan
  16. How to Measure for Tongue Tie and Grade
  17. Use of Throat Scope and Airway Assessment and Management
  18. 2 Case Studies
  19. Educate on Lymph nodes and Glands for the TMJ and Neck, not lymphatic drainage.
  20. Sinus Mobilization Techniques for Drainage

About the Instructor

Michael Karegeannes, PT, MHSc, LAT, MTC, CFC, CCTT, CMTPT, is the owner of Freedom Physical Therapy Services, 4 clinics in Wisconsin, since 1997 and a practicing physical therapist since 1989. His specialties in the field of physical therapy include TMD, spine and pelvic dysfunctions, myofascial pain, and orthopedic therapies. Michael graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1989 with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Physical Therapy. After he graduated, he received his athletic training license from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and later, Michael completed his manual therapy certification and Masters of Health Science from the University of St. Augustine in Florida.

In 2005, Michael had the honor of being trained by Dr. Mariano Rocabado, (in conjunction with the University of St. Augustine) who is the leading national expert in the field of craniofacial therapies. Michael holds a Craniofacial Certification with the University of St. Augustine.

In addition, Michael has attended an orofacial pain and TMD Residency with the University of Minnesota Dental School. He is a member of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) as well as vice-president of the Physical Therapy Board of Craniofacial & Cervical Therapeutics (PTBCCT). In addition, Michael is, one of a few, Certified Cervical & Temporomandibular Therapists (CCTT) who has obtained diplomate status by the PTBCCT.

In 2011, Michael received thorough and extensive training in the technique of intramuscular dry needling and is certified through Myopain Seminars, the premier post-graduate medical and physical therapy continuing education company in the United States with a focus on myofascial trigger points. Michael is also on faculty with Myopain Seminars. Michael is also one of the few PTs in the USA trained in the CRAFTA approach to TMD.

His diverse experience, knowledge, and manual skills allow Michael to be highly effective in the evaluation and treatment of his clientele.

Michael is a member of the APTA, WPTA, NATA, AAOP, PTBCCT, PAMA and IMS.

TMJ Course Previews & Reviews

The smaller class size to enable circulation of the instructor with sufficient one-on-one time with all course participants was greatly appreciated.

Great course! I feel much more confident with my assessment and treatment measures pertaining to the TMJ. Course materials, manuals, books and presentations were very clear and well laid out. Mike was very personable highly approachable and knowledgeable.

Very good breakdown of anatomy and function of the TMJ. Very impressed with Mike’s knowledge of TMD as well as other anatomy.

Mike’s dedication and passion was so obvious. I so appreciate his great teaching style and commitment to making everything so clear. I’m excited to feel ready to begin evaluating and treating patients in the clinic after this course with confidence. Thank you Mike, this was awesome.


Day 1
8:00amReview Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD
8:45amReview Muscle Palpation from Course I
10:00amAnatomy and Actions of Supra and Infrahyoid Muscles
10:30amPalpation and Treatment Approach of the Supra and Infrahyoids
12:30pmOsteopathic Techniques to Treat Ear-Related Symptoms
1:15pmRevisit Arthralgia and DJD per RDC/DC-TMD
1:30pmRocabado Pain Map for Synovial Mapping
2:45pmRevisit Various Disc Displacement issues based on RDC/Pseudodisc concept
3:45pmReview TMJ Mobs taught in Basic Course
4:15pmIntroduce Advanced TMJ Mobilizations
Day 2
8:00amReview and Q&A regarding day one
8:30amSeated TMJ Mobilization Techniques
9:15amConcept of Functional Kinetics with TMJ Techniques
10:15amMobilization with Movement Techniques for the TMJ
11:15amTreatment of Difficult Trismus Cases
12:30pmHEP for Patients, Hyperboloid, Improved Compliance Plan
1:00pmHow to Measure for Tongue Tie and Grade
1:45pmUse of Throat Scope and Airway Assessment and Management
2:45pm2 Case Studies
3:45pmEducate on lymph nodes and glands for the TMJ and Neck (not lymphatic drainage)
4:15pmSinus mobilization techniques for drainage


Registration Details

Target Audience:PTs, PTAs, LMT, OTs, SLPs
Dentists and Physicians may attend
CEUs:1.6 (16 clock hours)

Upcoming TMJ Courses



June 21-22, 2025Fox Point, WIFreedom Physical Therapy Services
6908 N Santa Monica Blvd
Fox Point, WI 53217
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