Hello to All,
It has been too long, my apologies. These past eight weeks have certainly presented their challenges for us all professionally and personally. I hope that all that receive my newsletter have been able to stay healthy and well along with your loved ones, or if exposed, I hope you have made a full recovery! I have received a few emails and calls regarding how my company is handling and treating TMD patients, and it has been good to collaborate and support each other during this time.
I wanted to share with you some information from the American Dental Association (ADA) around this issue in hopes it might help provide some guidance given the proximity we have to work with our patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders. I don’t know about you, but I have seen quite an uptick since COVID-19 hit with regards to increase clenching, bruxism, headaches, neck pain, and of course, TMJ pain.

These recommendations align with existing CDC recommendations for patients without signs/symptoms of COVID-19. Use the highest level of PPE available when treating patients to reduce the risk of exposure. Some risk is inherent in all scenarios. If masks with either goggles or face shields are not available, please understand there is a higher risk for infection; therefore, use your professional judgment related to treatment provided and the patient’s risk factors. Considering that asymptomatic patients may still be COVID-19 infectious, it should be assumed that all patients can transmit disease. Please read this PDF by the ADA Interim Mask and Face Shield Guidelines. Please also pay close attention to the other links embedded within this PDF that might give additional guidance as to how you might best navigate patient care at your respective offices. I think it is excellent the ADA took the time and energy to put this information together. For the dentists in the audience, you are probably already aware of the Return to Work Interim Guidance Toolkit the ADA put together. It is very well done.

In the next two weeks, I will update my class schedule. My tentative plan is to have the April 4-5, 2020 course that we had to cancel and reschedule for mid-August… At least that is my current plan, but I wanted to wait at least until May 26th here in Wisconsin to make sure nothing changes in our state.
Please remain healthy and well during this challenging time and keep providing exceptional care to all our patients in need!

Michael Karegeannes
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