Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD) Level I

Date: October 12-13, 2024

Location: Cincinnati, OH


This past weekend Oct 12 and 13, 2024, Michael Verplancke DPT, CSCS, CMTPT, CFC, and I had the pleasure of educating and training some of Mayfield’s Brain and Spine Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants along with other outside participants. Thanks to Lisa Cleveland PT from Mayfield Brain and Spine of Cincinnati, Ohio for making this happen. It was a great 2 days, the participants were fantastic and skilled and the positive energy was amazing! There was an excellent mix of some clinicians with experience in treating TMD and of course, others that this was their first step in helping many patients in need due to TMJ Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Whiplash, and Neck Pain. Keep up the great work Mayfield Brain and Spine! Mike and I appreciated the opportunity to share our knowledge and passion. 

We also had Josh Borgmeyer, DPT, MTC provide some of his perspectives, particularly regarding the Postural Restoration Institute. 

We also had Yury Chorny PT, DPT, MTC, OCS who owns present on a pillow he developed, the “Comfortable Pillow” Check it out if you need a new pillow and a better night’s sleep,  

In addition, I wanted to share that Mayfield Brain and Spine is well known for its Evaluation and Treatment management of people suffering from Chiari Syndrome, Brain Aneurysms, and of course all the various other spinal-related conditions, scoliosis, disc related issues. Etc.  


Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD) Level II

Date: September 20-21, 2024

Location: Salt Lake City, UT

September 20th and 21st, 2024, I had the pleasure of teaching my Level 1 TMJ Course at Mountain Top Physical Therapy and Wellness Center in Park City, Utah. I want to thank the owner Preston Hall PT, DPT, CSCS for inviting me and hosting the course! As always, it was a great group of clinicians, and they were a lot of fun! It is always a pleasure to be surrounded by Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, a Massage Therapist, a Dental Hygienist, and 2 Dentists, who share a strong interest and passion for treating Temporomandibular Disorders, Headaches, and Orofacial Pain. The results can be fantastic when combined with high-quality clinicians along with a multidisciplinary approach! I appreciated that Dr. Paul Peterson, who owns Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry and Aesthetics in Park City, Utah, connected me to Preston about 6 months ago. Dr. Peterson and I met at a 4-day Rocabado Course over at Jay Gerber’s Clinic in West Virginia in the fall of 2023. Dr. Peterson has been treating TMD and orofacial pain for many years and has developed a great treatment model. It was wonderful to have him provide some insight from the dental perspective on the evaluation and treatment of temporomandibular disorders to the participants.
Keep up the great work Mountain Top PT and Wellness Center!! They have a very talented crew, and Park City is lucky to have access to these highly skilled and caring clinicians.

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD) Level II

Date: September 14-15, 2024

Location: Chino, CA

The weekend of September 14th and 15th, 2024, I had the pleasure of teaching my second installment, Level 2 TMJ Course for MarketPlace Physical Therapy and Wellness Centers, with 5 locations in and around the Chino, California area, just outside Los Angeles. I want to thank the owner, Dr. Steven Nieto DPT, OCS, Cert. SMT for hosting and Rachel Keast PT, DPT for inviting me back again for Part 2. It was so awesome to see everyone who attended Part 1 last year again!  As always, it was a great group of clinicians, and they were a lot of FUN! It is always a pleasure to be surrounded by Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Chiropractors, who share a strong interest and passion for treating Temporomandibular Disorders, Headaches, and Orofacial Pain. The results can be fantastic combined with high-quality clinicians and a multidisciplinary approach!
During the Level 2 course, we had a chance to do some review of techniques from Part 1, and then build on them with advanced TMJ mobilization techniques, Advanced Ear related symptom techniques, Sinus mobilization techniques, coverage now of the supra and infrahyoid muscles, and much more. It was also a chance for the clinicians present to learn how to use the throat scope to assist in assessing potential airway and sleep disorder breathing issues, along with screening for any potential intra-oral pathology or potential cancer. Check out the cool video on finding the Omohyoid Muscle!
Keep up the great work MarketPlace PT and Wellness Centers. They have a very talented crew, and California is lucky to have access to these highly skilled and caring clinicians. Thank you all for allowing me to be a part of your journey in learning more about TMD-related issues, and treatment options, and helping so many of our patients in need!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD) Level I

Date: August 17-18, 2024

Location: Chicago, IL

This past weekend, Michael Verplancke DPT, CSCS, CMTPT, CFC, and I had the pleasure of educating and training some of Athletico’s Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, and Athletic Trainers in OakBrook, IL at Athletico’s wonderful educational site. Thanks to Mick Murphy PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT, and Briton Mohr PT, DPT for making this happen. It was a great 2 days, the participants were fantastic and skilled. There was an excellent mix of some clinicians with experience in treating TMD and of course, others that this was their first step in their journey to helping so many patients in need due to TMJ Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Whiplash, and Neck Pain. Keep up the great work Athletico! Mike and I appreciated the opportunity to share our knowledge and passion.

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD) Level II

Date: August 11-12, 2024

Location: Brooklyn, NY

On the weekend of August 11th and 12th, 2024 I had the pleasure of teaching my 2-day Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain course to the therapists at Evolve Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation located in Brooklyn, NY for the second time. I applaud the owner Louis Ezrick and his team. Lou has become a wonderful friend and colleague. I feel very fortunate to know him. It is no easy task in this current healthcare environment to run and own truly independent physical therapy-owned private practices. Evolve had 4 clinics in 2022, now up to 5 in 2024. The entire management team and staff of therapists were fantastic, and they had expert manual skills. I am excited for them to continue to expand their TMD Niche. It was great to see some familiar faces and meet many of his new staff Physical Therapists. They truly made me feel incredibly welcome and part of the Evolve Family! Thanks to Lou and his team for the invite and keep up the great work EVOLVE PT! Continue to promote the value of Physical Therapy and niche practices like managing patients suffering from TMJ-related pain.

Vocal Physical Therapy

Date: July 11-14, 2024

Location: Fox Point, WI

Calling all Professional Voice Users (anyone who uses their voice for work such as Pastors, Priests, Teachers, College Professors, Radio Announcers, Motivational Speakers, Lawyers, Singers (classical, pop, contemporary, or musical theatre performers), and even Coaches often report a forced or laborious voice that may fatigue with the nature of their profession. Freedom Physical Therapy Services is excited to offer a “tune-up” to maintain their laryngeal mobility and tissue health, preventing injury, and gaining support in how to strengthen their voice. As well as treating and supporting people experiencing voice quality issues, increased effort, and /or pain with vocalization, tongue tension, and throat pain of muscular origin. 

Voice Physical Therapy Treatment is regularly used with vocal coaches, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT), or voice therapists. Those who have been diagnosed with a voice issue, such as Muscle Tension Dysphonia (excessive muscle tension), by their ENT specialist or speech pathologist are often referred to us for vocal physiotherapy. 

From July 11 through the 14th, 2024, We had the pleasure of hosting Annie Strauch B. Phty (Hons), M. Phty(Musc), M.Phty(Sports), APAM, and is a titled APA Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapist for the 2nd Year in a row. She is the Australian pioneer of Vocal Physiotherapy, physiotherapy treatment of the professional voice, and dysfunctional voice. We are honored to be the 2nd group of Physical Therapists in the USA to be educated and trained by her. Annie is a very skilled manual therapist and her passion and knowledge regarding the evaluation and treatment of the dysfunctional voice was top-notch! 


Comprehensive Concussion Management: Acute through Prolonged Recovery

Date: June 22-23, 2024

Location: Fox Point, WI

The weekend of June 22 and 23, 2024, Freedom Physical Therapy Services had the Pleasure of Hosting Dr. Michael Steiner’s Concussion Course, entitled: Comprehensive Concussion Management: Acute through Prolonged Recovery. Dr. Michael Steiner is a Physical Therapist. He currently works clinically for Twin Cities Orthopedics in the Minnesota metro area where he is the lead physical therapist for their Sport Concussion Program, and he is also the author of The Concussion Recovery Plan. Dr. Steiner has an unmatched passion for helping those who have suffered concussion injuries. His vision is to push the boundaries of what we think we know about concussions and how we recover from these unique injuries. 

All I can tell is he pushed the boundaries and exceeded all our expectations on a stellar course on the Evaluation, Treatment, and Management of Concussions. This was one of the most comprehensive and well-thought-out courses I have attended in a very long time. There is no question, that I would highly recommend any healthcare professional to take this course to serve better our athletes and patients who have suffered a concussion or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury from an accident, slip and fall, etc! 

I recommend checking out Michael’s Website The Concussion Spot as he provides a wealth of information on Concussions, The Dizzy Patient, and Cervicogenic Headaches. Keep up the great work Michael. Thanks for being a leader in Physical Therapy and educating us that Physical Therapists can be one of the first points of access for the Evaluation, Treatment, and Management of Concussion Patients. 

5th international CRAFTA CONFERENCE

Date: June 7-8, 2024

Location:Hamburg, Germany

Where to begin?? I had the pleasure of attending the 5th International Crafta Conference in Hamburg Germany June 7 and 8, 2024. Crafta stands for CranioFacial Therapy Academy. This conference is led by none other than Dr. Harry Von Piekartz from Osnabruck, NL. Harry has published many research articles, authored books, and provides education at the University level well as teaches the Crafta Method for PTs who want to learn more about evaluating and treating everything from Temporomandibular Disorders, to Orofacial Pain, Craniofacial Pain, Cervical Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Chronic Pain Disorders and the list goes on. There is too much to list on all the topics covered during these 2 days, but the key message was the priority and the benefits of Physical Therapists and Dentists working together to provide the best possible care. But it does not stop with just PT and DDS, it is a collaboration of Speech Therapists, ENTs, Osteopaths, and the list goes on! There were over 9 countries represented at this conference. Myself and Jennifer Nelson were the only 2 PTs from the USA! I am just going to highlight the names of those who presented during these 2 days and let some of the pictures speak for themselves. Dr. Harry Von Piekartz, Dr. Luzie Braun-Durlak, Dr. Peter Svensson, Dr. Jens C. Turp, Dr. Corine Visscher, Dr. Roger Kerry, Dr. Susan Armijo Olivio, Dr. Alba Paris, Dr. A. Michelotti, Dr. Mariano Rocabado, Dr. Jennifer Nelson, Dr. Bernard Taxer, Marissa Hoffman, Michel Trouw, and Daniela Von Piekartz. Just an amazing group of professionals, sharing their knowledge and expertise and helping provide the necessary research to support what we do as clinicians! Great, Great Event!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD) Level II

Date: June 1-2, 2024

Location: Nottingham, UK

Well, it has taken some time post-COVID to finally get to the “other side of the pond” as they say. The weekend of June 1 and 2, 2024 I was able to present My Advanced Level 2 Course on the Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, and Craniofacial Pain. Thanks to Cathy Gordon PT, Alex Weden PT, and Helen Cowgill PT, along with the ACPTMD.  The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Temporomandibular Disorders (ACPTMD) was launched in November 2009 and is a group of Chartered Physiotherapists with a specialist interest in the expert management of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) who work in the NHS or Private practice within the United Kingdom. It was so wonderful to collaborate with all of these excellent and well-skilled TMD PTs as well as Dentists who attended. It provided an opportunity to better understand their educational system, along with their National Health Care System. I have included a picture of the numerous topics we covered in the level 2 course. My hope is this fosters future collaboration between PTs in the US and the United Kingdom, along with an attendee from Lithuania on providing the best possible care for our patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders and Temporomandibular Joint Pain. I am very grateful to have made some wonderful new friends and colleagues during this weekend!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)

Date: May 18-19, 2024

Location: Fox Point, WI

The weekend of May 18th and 19th, 2024 I had the pleasure of teaching my 2-day TMD course at Freedom Physical Therapy Services in Fox Point, WI. I must admit it is nice to teach in my humble surroundings! Have I ever shared how much I LOVE MILWAUKEE!! Once again it was a great environment to foster learning, sharing, and collaborating! It was a wonderful mix of Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Dentists, and Chiropractors! We all have to keep working hard and working together for the benefit of our patients suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Pain, Temporomandibular Disorders, Hypermobility Syndromes like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Chronic Tension-Type Headaches, Migraines and Facial Pain! Thanks to those who attended and for sharing their knowledge and expertise as well!

48th Annual American Academy of Orofacial Pain Conference

Date: May 9-12, 2024

Location: Scottsdale, AZ

May 9th through 12th, 2024 marked the 48th Annual American Academy of Orofacial Pain conference entitled: “Management of Orofacial Pain: Weighing the Evidence” in Scottsdale, Arizona. Several of my colleagues Adriaan Louw PT, PhD, was able to present on The Neuroscience of Pain: Clinical Application Strategies for the Management of Persistent Pain, Janey Prodoehl PT, Ph.D., CCTT presented on “Practical Application of Trigger Point Injections and Dry Needling in the Management of Orofacial Pain: Similarities and Differences”, Emily Kahnert DPT, CCTT presented on “Telehealth PT is Effective for Individuals with TMD”, Brett Weiss DPT, CEAS, CIDN, CCTT on” Ergonomics in Craniofacial Pain Management: A Practical Guide to Enhance Patient Care”, Nick Rainey PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, CCTT on “Manual Techniques for the Cervical Spine in Orofacial Pain”, William De Hertogh PT, PhD on “Tinnitus & Dizziness Demystified: A Roadmap for Dentists and Orofacial Pain Therapists”, Finally, I was able to debate with Fernando Exposto DDS on “Do We Understand the Nature of Myofascial Trigger Points?” Needless to say, so much more was shared by excellent Dentists and other disciplines with our one common goal, to better help serve our patients suffering from TMD, headaches, migraines, and Orofacial Pain. Overall, it was an amazing four days, great collaboration between Dentistry and Physical Therapy!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)

Date: April 13-14, 2024

Location: Normandy Park, WA

I had the great pleasure of teaching my course in Normandy Park, WA just outside of Seattle at Life in Balance Physical Therapy and Pilates on the weekend of April 13th and 14th, 2024. It was tough to wake up every morning, look out of my window, and see the beautiful Mount Rainier in the distance! It was a truly great class, with kind and gifted clinicians from all around the US and Vancouver, BC Canada. We had a Dentist and his Dental Hygienist attend, a Speech Therapist who is also trained in Myofunctional Therapy, and the rest PTs and PTAs. Having some professional diversity during a class always adds to the learning environment and helps foster the need for a multidisciplinary approach to treating patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, Airway issues, swelling issues, etc. I want to give a HUGE shout-out to Meagan Kapostasy DPT, OCS for hosting and making this happen and another therapist from there Laurel Charbonneau, DPT from Life in Balance PT and Pilates for helping set up and organize this event. Meagan and her team at Life in Balance PT are also amazing Women’s Health and Pelvic Floor Therapists. One thing we know and see is that so many of our patients have chronic overlapping pain syndromes, so very often patients with pelvic floor issues also have TMJ-related issues that need treatment as well. My hope is after my class they will be able to treat even more comprehensively than they already are! Thanks to Life in Balance PT and Pilates for a great facility to allow me to share my passion!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)

Date: March 9-10, 2024

Location: Miami, FL

I had the great pleasure of teaching my course in Miami, FL at Baptist Health on the weekend of March 9th and 10th, 2024. It was a truly great class, with kind and gifted clinicians from all around the US. We had a Dentist with a TMD Specialty attend and a Speech Therapist who is also trained in Myofunctional Therapy, along with a massage therapist, the rest PTs and PTAs. Having some professional diversity during a class always adds to the learning environment and helps foster the need for a multidisciplinary approach to treating patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, Airway issues, Swallowing Issues, etc. I want to give a HUGE shout-out to Judy Kaufman from Baptist Health for helping set up and organize this event, along with Arlene Sotolongo MSPT, CLT, and Diana Solares PT who both attended the course and work for Baptist Health. Thanks to Paul, the AV guy. who made sure everything ran smoothly😊 Thanks to Baptist Health for a great facility to allow me to share my passion!

Bio-Research Associates

Location: Brown Deer, WI

Bio-Research Associates, Inc. develops and produces highly innovative and advanced products for the evaluation of dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint, the craniofacial musculature, and the overall stomatognathic system. And did you know they are right here in Brown Deer, WI!!
Bioresearch is very well-versed in the T-Scan Novus, which is an objective assessment tool used to evaluate the occlusion of a patient (how our teeth come together or don’t). Unlike articulating paper, which can only determine location, T-Scan Novus can identify both force and timing, two of the most fundamental parameters for measuring occlusion.
BioResearch is also well-versed in the BioEMG III or “electromyography” which allows the clinician to evaluate the efficiency of the patient’s musculature in rest, chewing, and clenching. Using EMG allows for identifying improper muscle function and ensures long-term dental work stability and reduction or elimination of pain associated with Temporomandibular Disorders.
This past Tuesday I had the pleasure of finally putting my T-Scan and BioEMG III to use! Thanks to Nate Krey and his team over at Bioresearch, Andi, Hope, and Theresa, he was able to train me in the use of the T Scan and BioEMG III. Over the years, I have had the good fortune of working with amazing dentists and orthodontists and collaborating on many Temporomandibular Disorder cases and Craniofacial Pain Disorders. Often, when our part is done as Physical Therapists or non-dental practitioners, some subtle occlusal interferences need to be corrected, meaning in some cases the teeth and how they are contacting continue to contribute to the discomfort patients are experiencing. At Freedom, we can now provide more concrete diagnostic information as to which teeth are part of the problem, the forces that are being generated due to this abnormal tooth contact, and come up with a plan to get our TMD patients as close to normal as possible. Most importantly, working towards a pain-free status and return to function status.
Thanks, Nate and Bioresearch for your expertise in the realm of highly technological equipment and software and your continued push for educating practitioners, like myself, with 1 common goal:
Allowing our patients to Enjoy More Freedom™! The Freedom from Pain! The Freedom to Function!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)

Date: February 3-4, 2024

Location: Danvers, MA

The weekend of February 3rd and 4th, 2024 I had the pleasure of teaching my 2-day TMD course at Harmeling Physical Therapy and Sports Fitness. I appreciate the owner, Luke Harmeling DPT, and his amazing team of therapists for hosting my course. Thanks to Matt Harkness DPT, MTC, CFC for assisting and Melissa Simonis PT, DPT for assisting. Once again it was a great environment to foster learning, sharing, and collaborating! Thanks so much, Harmeling PT! Keep up the great work and the success of your private practice and 5 locations around the Boston, MA area!

UM Mini TMD residency

Date: January 25-26, 2024

Location: University of Minnesota Dental School

I had the pleasure of attending my first Mini Temporomandibular Disorders Residency at the University of Minnesota Dental School back in September of 2009! Wow, where have the last 15 years gone? The first time I went, the program was headed by Dr. Eric Schiffman DDS, MS. Fast forward to January 25th and 26th of 2024, and I once again had the pleasure of attending their TMD mini residency this time headed up by Donald Nixdorf, DDS, MS, is a Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and Director of the Division of TMD & Orofacial Pain. Here is a brief list of the other presenters! Robyn Drach, Ph.D., is a Licensed Clinical Health Psychologist with a private practice in the TMD, Orofacial Pain, and Dental Sleep Medicine Clinic at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. Emily Kahnert, DPT, CCTT, is a Physical Therapist in the Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD), Orofacial Pain, and Dental Sleep Medicine Clinic at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and a Rehabilitation Science PhD Candidate. Justin Durham, BDS, PhD, is a Professor of Orofacial Pain and the Head of the School of Dental Sciences at Newcastle University. He is an Honorary Consultant Oral Surgeon at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom. Emma Beecroft, BDS, is an Associate Clinical Lecturer at Newcastle University.
Lots of great topics were covered, great presenters, and once again a great way for PTs and Dentists to collaborate. We had the opportunity to evaluate Live patients together, learn from each other, and share! I highly recommend adding this to your journey in the learning and understanding of TMD, headaches, migraines, and Chronic Pain.
· Orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders
· Classification of orofacial pain
· Patient communications regarding pain
· Ethical considerations in prescribing and pain management
· Considerations of the differential diagnosis of orofacial pain
· Pain referral in the head and neck
· History and examination of the TMD/orofacial pain patient
· Psychology of orofacial pain
· Physical self-regulation for the chronic orofacial pain patient
· Imaging for the TMJ
· Occlusion, TMD, and joint stability
· Normal TMJ anatomy and biomechanical function
· Intracapsular disorders of the TMJ—etiology and treatment considerations
· Differential diagnosis and management of muscle pain disorders
· Current concepts of sleep-related bruxism
· Considerations for occlusal appliances for the management of muscle pain disorders
· Oral medicine considerations of orofacial pain
· Management of orofacial pain through physical therapy
· Differential diagnosis and etiology of intracapsular TMJ disorders
· Management of intracapsular TMJ disorders
· Occlusal appliance considerations
· Differential diagnosis and management of the non-odontogenic toothache
· Pharmacologic considerations for orofacial pain
· Non-odontogenic toothache as it relates to neuropathic pain—diagnostic and therapeutic



Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)

Date: January 19-20, 2024

Location: Cape Coral, FL

Once again had a wonderful opportunity to teach my TMD course in Cape Coral, FL, the weekend of January 6 and 7, 2024 at Allied Physical Therapy and Wellness Community and the awesome owner Matthew Harkness DPT, MTC, CFC, also a fellow Certified Manual Therapist and one of the few Certified Craniofacial Therapists in the USA, both of us alumni of the wonderful University of St. Augustine and trained by the legend Dr. Mariano Rocabado! Matt’s clinic is just great, his staff is fantastic, and Matt was able to help assist during this course and offer a lecture on his successes in marketing and business development. Thank you all for coming! This has become an annual event and we look forward to continuing this introductory course along with eventually hosting my advanced TMD course there. Thanks to all who attended, there was a fantastic group of Health Care Providers!


The Advanced, Minimal Lever-Mid Range Spinal Manipulation Course

Date: January 5-7, 2024

Location: Fox Point, WI

Freedom Physical and Occupational Therapists and I had the pleasure of hosting “The Advanced, Minimal Lever-Mid Range Spinal Manipulation Course”. Our Fabulous Instructor, Dr. Daryl Herbert, an Osteopath from the UK, was amazing!! Daryl graduated from The British School of Osteopathy (BSO), now the University College of Osteopathy (UCO) in July 1988 with a Diploma in Osteopathy. He then worked as a locum for Colin Dove and Stephen Sandler and as an assistant/associate to Laurie Hartman for six years in his clinic. Several of us have had the pleasure of also being trained by Dr. Laurie Hartman from the UK. Dr. Hartman, no question is a legend in the Osteopathy world and the manipulation world. Dr. Daryl Herbert is also a legend and is carrying on this style of manipulation that is designed to be safe, accurate, efficient & effective for all joints of the spine and extremities. Dr. Herbert’s attention to detail, his skill, and his amazing ability to effectively teach my Freedom crew these amazing manipulation skills are truly a gift. He has added a level of training style that is superb. We are very excited to have learned from Dr. Herbert how to be safe, yet incredibly effective with spinal manipulation. Dr. Herbert will now be added to my teaching circuit as I can continue to grow the educational component of Freedom Physical Therapy Services under As most of you know, I am invested in working with high-quality Therapists and Doctors in the Physical and Occupational Therapy Space and turn provide top-quality manual therapy and care to our patients. My goal is to provide top-notch courses in the realm of Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, Spinal Pain, Chronic Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Systemic Hypermobility, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, along with Sleep and Airway Management for the young and the old. Stay tuned, as I keep working hard to bring nothing but great quality educators to the US from abroad as well as showcase great educators within the USA as well! I loved the one slide from Dr. Herbert, As Yoda Says, “You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has ever tried!”