Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: December 11-12, 2021
Location: Noblesville, IN
The weekend of December 11th, I had the pleasure of teaching my course at one of IU Health facilities in Noblesville, IN. I am very excited for them as a group, to be able to teach so many therapists at once from the same Health System, how to evaluate and treat Temporomandibular Disorders, TMJ Pain, Orofacial Pain, and Craniofacial Pain. It was also a major honor and privilege to have Dr. Shaun Matthews stop by and share with us the exciting news that he and his team will be heading up a TMD/Orofacial Pain Center with IU Health. This will be just an amazing Center for patients suffering from Head, Neck, and Face Pain. I have attached some photos from the course. Thanks to Josh Pintar PT, DPT, Manager for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation for IU Health, and Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy to be the facilitator and host. And Thanks to Deepak MSPT and IU Neurorehabilitation and Robotics for providing some of the “action” or “treatment” photos of me working on Kendra Sponn MPT at IU Health. We also did my first “LIVE” evaluation and treatment or patient demonstration on Sunday, which appeared to be well received and I think provided a visual of how to bring all they learned over the weekend together. Keep up the great work and mission of IU Health and thank you for the opportunity to share my TMD/TMJ Passion.

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: October 23-24, 2021
Location: Clovis, CA
This past weekend, Oct 23/24, 2021, I had the pleasure of teaching my TMD course to an amazing group of PTs that work for PRO PT PHYSICAL THERAPY . PRO PT has 17 private practice locations in the central valley of California. Super impressive, no easy task to have 1 private practice clinic these days, much less 17, let’s hear it for the brilliant owners’ Todd Martin and Ronnie Eynaud! Thanks to Elisa Zapata, who is a director for their Tulare, CA clinic location. She was instrumental in making this event happen. We held my course at their Clovis, Ca location just near Fresno California. Super talented and engaged group of physical therapists, with a great vibe and cool culture feeling. I can tell they love what they do and love working at PRO PT.

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: October 2-3, 2021
Location: Cape Coral, FL
On October 1st I had the pleasure of attending Allied Physical Therapy Wellness Community leadership and strategic planning meeting led by owner, Matthew Harkness and his team at his clinic in Cape Coral, FL. Mark and his wife Melissa recently purchased and fully renovated a building in Cape Coral. It was exciting to see their vision and dreams come true. It was great to spend a few hours with him and his talented and passionate team, as he leads his team to success, with of course the focus being on their community and their patients. If you are a private practice owner or want to be one, Matt will help lead you to success. Here is the link to contact Matthew Harkness Your Medical Practice Mentor. Then over the weekend, I taught my Temporomandibular and Orofacial Pain Course at his clinic. It was a perfect setup and environment to foster education and learn from each other. WE had a great turnout, a very talented group of practitioners. Thanks, Matt and Melissa for hosting and the wonderful hospitality. To cap the weekend we were blessed to snap a great picture of a bald eagle, a symbol of the Strength and Freedom of America!!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: September 18-19, 2021
Location: Milwaukee, WI
I had the pleasure of teaching my TMD and Orofacial Pain course the weekend of September 18 and 19, 2021 at Ascension Healthcare here in the Milwaukee area. It was a wonderful group of practitioners and the facility for lecturing was perfect! I could get used to that. A huge thank you to Amanda Staffen DPT and Scott Krueger PT/Manager of Rehabilitation Services, both from Ascension, who were kind enough to host my course. As always it was an educational and collaborative time! Julie Conley PT, with Aurora Sports Health & Mobility Center Marinette, WI pictured above with her co-worker Kari Hoheneder, PTA, was sharing how she uses the Kinesio Taping Method to provide support and relief to the temporomandibular joint.

“Breathing/Sleep Disorders: Stay Awake For Life” took place Friday, September 17, 2021, at Marquette University Dental School. I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Grummons, Dr. Lehman, and Dr. Seymour lecture. Dr. Grummons (pictured below with me) is internationally recognized for his clinical approaches to facial orthopedics, facial asymmetry, Pediatric Therapies, Airway-Friendly facial orthopedics, complex Invisalign approaches, TMD management, and non-extraction orthodontic treatments. Dr. Grummons presented on Adolescent breathing/airway screening for sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) with recognition and earlier interventions we can provide effective resolutions and life-changing benefits. Therapeutic resolution of neurocognitive, behavioral, inflammatory, structural, epigenetic influencers and functional aspects are emphasized. It is better to shape the child’s developing facial structures, to optimize functional breathing and sleep capabilities than to repair them as adults. Prevention is better than the cure.

On 8-24-21 Michael Verplancke DPT, CSCS, CFC, CMTPT, who is the principal at Freedom’s Grafton location, and myself, had the pleasure of spending the morning with the Physical Therapy Students at Rosalind Franklin University. Each year, Michael and I have the opportunity to lecture and provide Lab/Demonstration to the students to help provide a basic foundation to the Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain. It is always an amazing time, and an opportunity to share our passion and what a great niche this can be as they eventually enter the workforce. A shout out to Ashley Martin-Metcalf, a student physical therapist at Rosalind Franklin University, who was kind enough to be our willing participant!
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: August 14-15, 2021
Location: Avon, IN

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorder and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: August 7-8, 2021
Location: Homer Glen, IL
I had the pleasure of teaching my TMD and Orofacial Pain course the weekend of August 7 and 8, 2021 at Goodlife Physical Therapy in Homer Glen, IL. What a great Private Practice, comprised of very skilled physical therapists with credentials and expertise in Vestibular Rehab, along with Women’s Health, and spinal expertise with the McKenzie Method. A big shout out to their owner Mickey Shah, who was kind enough to host my course. I sincerely appreciate his team and all the other PTs and Dentists that attended my course. It was a wonderful time!

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders
Date: July 24-25, 2021
Location: Fox Point, WI
The weekend of July 24 and 25, 2021 Freedom Physical Therapy Services hosted at my Fox Point, WI Clinic, Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders by Walt Fritz PT from Rochester, NY . We had a wonderful mix of Speech and Language Pathologists, Massage Therapists and Freedom’s own Physical Therapists. The clinicians learned to understand and apply manual therapy (MT) as a multifactorial method of impacting issues of voice and swallowing. This was such a natural complement of manual techniques to add to Freedom’s TMJ, Headache and Neck Program. Not only will the techniques learned be applicable to patients with voice, swallow and tongue related issues, but also very safe and effect for patients that have unfortunately suffered any head, neck and throat cancer, post radiation and surgery. Thanks Walt, for sharing your passion, skill and knowledge!

Date: June 21,2021
Location: Fox Point, WI
From Left to Right, Mike Karegeannes, PT, MHSc, LAT, MTC, CFC, CCTT, CMTPT Owner Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Collin Christensen DPT, CSCS, Tyler Amborn DPT, Katie Orfei DPT, and Dale Goerke MPT, BA, Dale is an Associate Professor at Concordia University Wisconsin and serves as the director of the Orthopedic Residency Program. He teaches in the Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Residency programs. Collin, Tyler and Katie are completing an orthopedic residency training through Concordia University. I had the pleasure of putting on a Mini 3.5 hour TMD advanced residency training session the evening of June 21, 2021. It was a mutually collaborative learning experience, and Concordia is doing a great job providing advanced orthopedic training to these Physical Therapy Graduates. Best of Luck to Collin, Tyler and Katie!

Date: June 9-11,2021
Location: Alexandria, VA

“June 9th through the 11th, 2021 I attended my first PEER2PEER NetWorks of the Private Practice Section of the American Physical Therapy Association in Old Town Alexandria, VA.
PPS Peer2Peer NetWorks bring like-minded Private Practice owners from different markets together in small groups to share best practices and expertise, discuss “hot topics,” establish key metric benchmarks, analyze operations, build life-long friendships, and work toward helping each other improve the bottom line. Participants challenge each other to question assumptions, assess strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and above all-accomplish those goals.
I am super pumped about the excellent and talented private practice owners whose group I am a part of. We hit it off very well and feels liberating to be in a trusting environment that allows us as owners to share our highs and our lows. I look forward to our monthly meetings that will occur throughout the year. I look forward to us keeping each other accountable and elevating our practices and our coworkers to be the best private practice physical therapy company we can be. As my good friend, Joe Sweeney would say, you gotta have good wingmen, wing women, or wing persons, or is it wing people?? I feel very fortunate with the people I am surrounded by.
“I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater. -Steve Maraboli
Pictured Randy Roesch, PT, DPT, MBA receiving a gift and award from Mike Horsfield PT, MPT, MBA, OCS for her tireless commitment and dedication to our physical therapy profession and the private practice section and our Peer2Peer Networks.
Date: June 13-14,2021
Location: Chicago, IL
On June 13 and 14, 2021, I had the pleasure of taking another component of Dr. Steven Olmos’s course entitled Motor Nerve Reflex Testing for Chronic Pain. Dr. Olmos credits Dr. John Beck (Orthopedic Surgeon) for introducing Motor Nerve Reflex Testing to the Medical and Dental Communities. Motor Nerve Reflex Testing enables us to test the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS compromises 70% of our total peripheral nervous system and acts as a control system maintaining homeostasis in the body. Dr. Beck has devised a system to exam postural (balance) and peripheral neural assessment. It provides us with an invaluable tool for quickly and cheaply screening for TMD, monitoring the efficacy of orthotic and physical medicine treatments, and for making the proper and timely referrals for structural therapy. I have included some pics during Dr. Daniel Klauer performing one of the tests on Dr. Ryan Robinson, Dr. Aaron Light testing Dr. Klauer, and Dr. Klauer testing Anthony Kopp DC. It was also great to have Dr. Marc Cantieri, an osteopath contribute his experience with MRNT, along with an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Rocky Romano, providing his insight and use of MRNT within his sports orthopedic practice. I am very excited to put this assessment and testing into practice at Freedom Physical Therapy Services.

Date: May 13-14, 2021
Location: Chicago, IL
The weekend of May 14th, 2021, kicked off part 2 of the mini TMD, Sleep and Airway residency I am completing with Dr. Steven Olmos. Part 2 is entitled, “ For Adults and Children, A System for Diagnosis and Treatment. I can’t say enough about my enjoyment of going through this program so far. It has been fantastic to see the collaboration between different disciplines within healthcare and dentistry to better evaluate, treat and manage patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders, Airway and Sleep issues, and honestly the other host of medical problems that can co-exist. One Slide Dr. Olmos presented I just really appreciated, the pic is included here, but below is the verbiage:
Clinicians have an ethical responsibility to assess the values and preferences of their patients. As Rickert wrote, there is a need to move from, “WHAT’S THE MATTER” with our patients to “WHAT MATTERS” to our patients. Sandro Palla Associate Editor Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache 2017.
It is just a great reminder to make sure we are always including our patients in their healing process, and finding out what they like and don’t like, vs. just having our own agenda because we might profess to be the expert, etc.
Anyway, so much great stuff to learn. I will leave with one more shocking bit of evidence on the profound effect of Sleep-disordered breathing or Sleep Apnea. If you think you suffer from this or are not sure, seek out a sleep medicine specialist, your Physical Therapist who might have training and knowledge to help you assess your situation or a skilled Dentist with Sleep Medicine experience.
Based on information from the 2021 AADSM Annual Meeting regarding patients who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea or Sleep Disordered Breathing:
- 70% of heart attack patients have OSA
- 43% of patients with mild OSA have hypertension
- 86% of obese type 2 diabetic patients have OSA
- 48% of type 2 diabetics have sleep apnea
- 4x more at risk of stroke
- 1 out of 5 adults have mild OSA
- 1 out of 15 have moderate to severe OSA
- 75% of severe cases remain undiagnosed
- 40 to 50% with A-Fib have OSA50 to 75% of patients with sleep apnea have GERD (reflux)

Date: May 1-2, 2021
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point, WI
This evidence-based course helped train and further advance the knowledge of the Freedom Dream Team of Physical Therapists and other clinicians in the practical management of vestibular disorders. The course included instruction in anatomy and physiology, medical management, pathology, detailed bedside examination, and treatment skills. The material presented was a combined format of lecture, lab, and video case study format. Competence in the performance of a comprehensive office/bedside examination and treatment skills were addressed with an emphasis placed on the management of BPPV variants and vestibular hypofunction.
We had the great fortune in being instructed by Jeff Walter, PT, DPT, NCS. Undoubtedly one of the best and most experienced Vestibular Physical Therapists in the USA! Dr. Walter is the Director of the Otolaryngology Vestibular and Balance Center at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA. Associate faculty member at Misericordia University, Department of Physical Therapy. Graduate of the University of Wisconsin (WOOHOO!) and has attained competency certification in “Vestibular Rehabilitation” and “Vestibular Function Test Interpretation”. Since 1999, Jeff has lectured at numerous professional conferences, universities, and continuing education courses for audiologists, physicians, and therapists involved in managing vestibular disorders. Jeff contributes to a teaching website designed to provide information to assist clinicians in the management of dizziness and imbalance. Clinical research interests have included superior canal dehiscence and BPPV.
Thanks Dr. Walter for a FANTASTIC educational experience!

Date: April 23-24, 2021
Location: Chicago, IL
The weekend of April 23rd I had the pleasure of attending Part 1 of a Mini-Residency Program presented by Dr. Steven Olmos. In Part 1 we covered numerous topics related to sleep-disordered breathing, craniofacial pain, Interpretation, and Understanding of Cone Beam Scans that many of us in the field of TMD and Orofacial pain order for Imaging of the airway, sinuses, nasal area, the temporomandibular joints, and cervical spine to name a few. It is always great to have a review of anatomy and TMJ Neuroanatomy. I found part one to be very enlightening and informative and I am already looking forward to Part 2 in May.
Dr. Steven Olmos has been in private practice for over 35 years with the last 30 years devoted to research and treatment of Craniofacial Pain, TMD, and Sleep Disordered Breathing. Dr. Olmos is board certified in both craniofacial pain and dental sleep medicine. He is the founder of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres International with over 60 Centres spanning 7 countries dedicated exclusively to the treatment of these disorders. Dr. Olmos has been honored for his contributions to dentistry with a Fellowship in the Academy of Dentistry International and the 2008 AACP Haden-Stack Award for his contributions to education in the field of TMD and Craniofacial Pain. My vision is now to set the standard of care for dental exams to include chronic pain, TMD, and OSA That the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre name is identified as the leader for bridging the gap from Medicine to Dentistry.

Date: March 20, 2021
Location: South Bend, IN
I had the pleasure of being invited by Dr. Greg Larson DDS, (a wonderful friend and colleague, who is the only triple board certified TMD and Dental Sleep Medicine Specialist in the bay area), to a weekend-long Provider Retreat, in South Bend, Indiana, Saturday, March 20, 2021. I like to call it the Dr. Daniel Klauer Retreat, the focus was on all things Dental Sleep Medicine, Orthopedic Development, Temporomandibular Disorders, and Craniofacial Pain, with the opportunity to focus on relationship building with providers in a variety of other specialties. We experienced interdisciplinary Mastermind Sessions with experts across the country, and the collaboration was amazing! Dr. Daniel Klauer DDS, is Board Certified with the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, American Board of Craniofacial Pain and the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine. He is Diplomate Eligible with the American Board of Orofacial Pain and he is the only doctor in a 100-mile radius that carries these 3 board credentials. I had the pleasure of presenting an overview of Physical Therapy can contribute in the assessment and treatment of patients suffering from Sleep Disordered Breathing and compromised airway, Temporomandibular disorders, parafunction, tongue-tie and how the cervical spine can contribute to Orofacial Pain. Dr. Klauer, his wife and Staff were the most amazing and generous hosts!

Man of the Weekend, Dr. Daniel Klauer DDS
The TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre South Bend, Indiana
Top Row, furthest to your right.

Dr. Erin Kevern, DO Beacon Medical Group
Ear Nose and Throat, Otorhinolaryngology

Dr. Bradford Bichey ENT-Otolaryngologist
Indiana Sinus Surgery

Dr. Wade Cooper, DO
Clinical Associate Professor in Neurology
Clinical Associate Professor in Anesthesiology
Director, Michigan Medicine Headache & Neuropathic Pain

Michael Karegeannes PT, MHSc, LAT, MTC, CFC, CMTPT, CCTT
Owner Freedom Physical Therapy Services, S.C.

Dr. Nigel Shaun Matthews BDS, MBBS, FDS, FRCS, FRCS (OMFS)
Clinical Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Indiana University School of Dentistry

Dr. Chad Harrington DDS Harrington Orthodontics
Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics

Date: March 6-7, 2021
Location: Freedom Physical Therapy Services, Fox Point, WI
March 6-7, 2021 I kicked off the year hosting my 2-day TMD and Craniofacial Pain at Freedom Physical Therapy Services, in Fox Point, WI, as we all still contend with Covid-19. We followed standard practices of taking everyone’s temperature and answering a health questionnaire before the start of each class, masks were worn, of course, face shields available as well. It was a wonderful success and a great group of clinicians! Below you will see a group pic and one in particular where Greg Dixon DPT, OCS (Clinic Director at Peak Sports and Spine Physical Therapy in Washington), is listening to both sides of Trenton Rehman DPT, OCS, CMTPT (clinician at Freedom Physical Therapy Services in Wisconsin) Temporomandibular joint with a dual Stethoscope I had custom made. I appreciate the folks attending and the wonderful support during this continued, challenging time of our lives..